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Edgbarrow School

Pastoral Support

At Edgbarrow we pride ourselves on strong pastoral relationships across the school, and particularly in the Sixth Form. Students begin Year 12 in tutor groups of approximately 22 with an experienced and dedicated tutor. Currently, tutor sessions and pastoral work is done remotely (for groups), or one-to-one by arrangement. This personal contact means that it is easy for tutors to support students and, if things start to go wrong, intervene to get students back on track. We try to speak to students as much as possible and encourage them to talk to us about any concerns they have, and we include parents in our conversations so that they can also support their son/daughter throughout the year. Staff really do give huge amounts of time to their students at Edgbarrow.

If students encounter any major obstacles in their life they can also be referred to our dedicated Student Support Manager who gives them time to explore their worries and concerns. Student Support can refer students to professional external agencies, if necessary.

Horizon Support

We offer individual support to all Sixth Formers to work towards goals on their own horizon. This may be helping you with English skills because English is your second language; supporting potential Oxbridge students; supporting applications to med schools; giving university advice; advice and assistance with apprenticeship choices and applications; building your confidence; helping with coursework organisation; helping with UCAS Personal Statements; and giving interview practice for jobs or university. No issue is too big or too small. We work with individuals. We organise visits to Oxford, we invite staff from elite universities to Edgbarrow, and we ensure lots of practice interviews from specialists to all students who need them.

Student Progress Evenings & Reports - Academic Monitoring

Whilst all students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, their attendance, achievement and effort levels are carefully monitored. There are three sets of grade reports issued through the year and one student progress evening. Two sets of mock exams are also held for each year group. We believe that this regular flow of information to students and parents allows students to stay firmly on track. If any problems arise, a chat or a phone call usually helps to solve the problem quickly. We encourage parents to email us whenever they have a concern or simply want an update on progress.

Progress Department

The Progress department supports students with general or specific learning difficulties, to enable all students to gain full access to the curriculum. It also serves those students where English is their second language as well as assessing students for Access Arrangements.