SEND - Progress
At Edgbarrow we are committed to providing an inclusive environment where every child receives high-quality teaching and pastoral care. We aim to overcome barriers to learning and to ensure the needs of all learners are met. We take a whole school approach in our provision for students with special educational needs, with all staff sharing the support of their disabilities, difficulties, learning and wellbeing. We expect that SEND students follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes.
Within our Progress Department, we are proud to have a team of highly skilled practitioners who provide quality support in the classroom, thereby ensuring effective SEND practice is embedded across the school. The content and sequencing of our targeted interventions are planned in line with the mainstream curriculum, with a particular focus on Literacy and Numeracy. These interventions offer opportunities to revisit and consolidate learning, thereby ensuring knowledge and skill retention and deep learning.
We are extremely proud of the outcomes our students achieve, the destinations they reach and how they develop as individuals during their time with us.
Individualised Approach
The department adopts an individualised approach to each child's difficulties and aims to work with teaching staff, the pastoral system and parents to help children accept their difficulties, learn to manage them independently and attain their potential. A staged system of support, which includes assistance from outside agencies if appropriate and regular target setting, monitoring and review, is implemented by an experienced team of Teachers and Learning Support Assistants.
Integrated Support
Much of the support given is within the normal classroom environment but occasionally pupils work in small groups or individually with specialist teachers. Pupils with Educational Health Care Plans are integrated into all aspects of the curriculum.
Key Staff
Ms Patel – Head of Progress and SENCO; SEND and Science Teacher
Mrs Hutchinson - Head of Inclusion
Mrs Jordan – Second in Department; SEND and Maths Teacher; Qualified in SPELL Framework
Mrs Leiba – SEND; English and SALT Teacher; SPLD Specialist and Assessor; EAL Coordinator
Mrs Igoe - SEND Teacher; Nurture Group Lead
Mrs Benger - SEND Teacher; SPLD Specialist and Assessor
Mrs Wilmot – SPLD Specialist and Assessor; Access Arrangements Coordinator; HLTA; Mental Health First Aider
Mrs Roberts – Social Skills and ASD HLTA; Hearing and Visual Impairment Coordinator
Mrs Dobson – Progress Department Administrator; HLTA
Mrs O'Rourke - Qualified ELSA practitioner
For more information, including our SEND report, please view the documents below.
Edgbarrow SEND Information Report 2024-25
Mainstream Schools' Local Offer
Personal Budgets for SEND: Choice and control for disabled children, young people and their families
Curriculum Intent
Our intent is to create an inclusive environment where barriers to learning are overcome ensuring SEND students can access the curriculum and learn alongside their peers to achieve similar outcomes. Through quality first teaching students will gain key skills and knowledge as well as increased independence and confidence equipping them for adulthood and the wider world.
Homework Intent
Homework is not set by the Progress Department. We support students to complete their homework for other curriculum areas through Curriculum Support lessons, 1:1s and Homework Club.
The school operates a banding system of 1-9 (9 being the highest band). On arrival at Edgbarrow each student will be given a target in each subject based upon their Key Stage 2 scores and baseline assessments. The band they are awarded at the end of the Key Stage is intended to be indicative of the grade they may achieve at GCSE. The bands given by mainstream teachers are considered by the Progress department when planning lessons and monitoring progress.
Summary Curriculum Plans
EAL Curriculum Plan Yr7 2024-25
download_for_offlineEAL Curriculum Plan Yr7 2024-25
EAL Curriculum Plan Yr7 Beginners 2024-25
download_for_offlineEAL Curriculum Plan Yr7 Beginners 2024-25
EAL Curriculum Plan Yr8 2024-25
download_for_offlineEAL Curriculum Plan Yr8 2024-25
EAL Curriculum Plan Yr9 2024-25
download_for_offlineEAL Curriculum Plan Yr9 2024-25
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 Literacy
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 Literacy
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr8 Literacy
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr8 Literacy
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 Literacy
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 Literacy
Curriculum Plan Yr7 - Numeracy 2024-25
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan Yr7 - Numeracy 2024-25
Curriculum Plan Yr8 - Numeracy 2024-25
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan Yr8 - Numeracy 2024-25
Curriculum Plan Yr9 - Numeracy 2024-25
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan Yr9 - Numeracy 2024-25
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT Numeracy
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT Numeracy
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT Planning writing
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT Planning writing
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT SpLD
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 - MINT SpLD
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 MINT Comprehension
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 MINT Comprehension
Speech and Language (SALT)
SALT Curriculum Plan Yr7 2024-25
download_for_offlineSALT Curriculum Plan Yr7 2024-25
SALT Curriculum Plan Yr8 2024-25
download_for_offlineSALT Curriculum Plan Yr8 2024-25
SALT Curriculum Plan Yr9 2024-25
download_for_offlineSALT Curriculum Plan Yr9 2024-25
Social Skills
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 social skills
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr7 social skills
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr8 social skills
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr8 social skills
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 Preparing for adult hood Personal Development
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 Preparing for adult hood Personal Development
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 social skills
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr9 social skills
Curriculum Intent
The aim of curriculum support is to provide students in Key Stage 4 with additional opportunities to develop their fundamental Literacy and Numeracy skills. Academic progress across the wider curriculum is also supported through opportunities for independent and guided study.
Our aim is to support subject teachers in ensuring our students make progress in Maths, English and across their option subjects. Lessons involve time to revisit work from the mainstream curriculum thereby consolidating learning to ensure skills and knowledge are retained in the long-term memory. Revision techniques and exam preparation are an integral part of these sessions.
Our pupils’ success will be recognised through increased confidence in their subjects. We also aim for students to have the key skills they require for all aspects of adulthood and engagement with the wider world.
Summary Curriculum Plans
Curriculum Support
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Curriculum Support Yr 10-11
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Curriculum Support Yr 10-11
Social Skills
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr10 Preparing for Adulthood Personal Development
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr10 Preparing for Adulthood Personal Development
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr11 Preparing for Adulthood Personal Development
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Yr11 Preparing for Adulthood Personal Development
ESWEET - an online platform used to deliver the Level 1 BTEC in Personal Growth and Wellbeing - Subsidiary Award. Students learn about life skills around helping them stay healthy through a balanced diet, good exercise habits and sleep routines as well as developing healthy mental health.
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 ESWEET Year 10
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 ESWEET Year 10
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 ESWEET Year 11
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 ESWEET Year 11
Summary Curriculum Plan
Curriculum Plan 2024-25 Sixth Form Curriculum Support
download_for_offlineCurriculum Plan 2024-25 Sixth Form Curriculum Support
Specialist Resource Provision (SRP)
In September 2025, Edgbarrow will open a Special Resource Provision (SRP) which will function as part of the existing SEND Department at Edgbarrow. The SRP will cater for students who have, or who are likely to have, an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), with a primary need of Autism.
The vision for the SRP is one of personal growth, development and attainment for pupils who may struggle attending a mainstream setting on a full-time basis. We aim to bridge that gap by offering a more personalised provision to support individual needs.
Admissions to the SRP are through Bracknell Forest LEA, requests should be made to the SEN Team.
Admissions Criteria - Edgbarrow Specialist Resource Provision
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information:
It is our intent that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes. In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.
Co-curricular activities led by qualified staff, such as homework club and Progress PE club, allow our students to consolidate relevant skills which support their learning across the curriculum and promote confidence and mental and physical wellbeing.
Enrichment activities such as theatre trips, college visits and social skills trips create opportunities to develop independence and improve mental health and wellbeing.
Progress Gardening Club
Independent Study
Key Stage 3 & 4
Times Table RockstarsKerboodle
Students have individual logins for each of the above.
BBC BitesizeIXLFreericeEngliciousOak National AcademyYouTube - Mr BruffEnglish ClubBritish Council
View current revision material for Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
Please visit our Exam Revision pages for suggestions on independent study for each subject.
SEND Resources
Courses and Events
Bracknell Parent Care Forum - 31st March 2025
GEMS - Autism & ADHD Support Service, including free adolescent courses and workshops
Parenting Special Children - Events
Online Safety
Special Needs Jungle - Keeping children with SEND from getting 'lost in digital space'
Internet Matters - Connecting Safely Online. Online safety hub to empower young people with SENDChildnet STAR Toolkit - an online safety teaching toolkit for educators to deliver with young aged 11-16 with SEND
Information and Support Services
Local Services
BF Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)BF Family Information Service (FIS)
Bracknell Forest EAL and Diversity
Parenting Special Children - Diagnosis Support Service
Berkshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS
National Services
Happiful - a magazine devoted to mental healthNystagmus Professional Perspectives video
HFT - supporting people with learning disabilities and their families
Kids - working with disabled children, young people and their families
For further information regarding our Progress Department please contact:
Ms Patel