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Edgbarrow School


Admissions Procedures 2026-2027

(These children would have a date of birth between 01 September 2014 and 31 August 2015.) Applications for admission to Year 7 from September 2026 must be made to your home local authority no matter which school you are applying for. If you are considering applying for the Year 7, September 2026 intake at Edgbarrow School, then the school must be named as a preference on your application to your home local authority. All admissions are processed through Bracknell Forest Council, please visit their Starting Secondary School page for further information about how and when to apply.

Before you apply, please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements below. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.

When do I apply:
For September 2026 entry – Applications open 12 September 2025 and close 31 October 2025. 

Outcomes will be provided by your home local authority on National Offer Day; 2 March 2026. If you are offered a school place, you will need to confirm your acceptance of this offer by the deadline provided within your outcome letter from your home local authority.

Edgbarrow School Admission Arrangements 2026-27

Edgbarrow School Social or Medical Form 2026-27

Edgbarrow Designated Catchment Area

Admissions Procedures 2025-2026

(These children would have a date of birth between 01 September 2013 and 31 August 2014.) Applications for admission to Year 7 from September 2025 must be made to your home local authority no matter which school you are applying for. If you are considering applying for the Year 7, September 2025 intake at Edgbarrow School, then the school must be named as a preference on your application to your home local authority. All admissions are processed through Bracknell Forest Council, please visit their Starting Secondary School page for further information about how and when to apply.

Before you apply, please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements below. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.

For September 2025 entry – Applications closed 31 October 2024. 

Outcomes will be provided by your home local authority on National Offer Day; 3 March 2025. If you are offered a school place, you will need to confirm your acceptance of this offer by the deadline provided within your outcome letter from your home local authority.

Edgbarrow School Admission Arrangements 2025-2026

Edgbarrow School Social or Medical Form 2025-2026

Edgbarrow Designated Catchment Area Map

In-Year Applications

If you wish to apply for a place for your child outside of the Year 7 round because you have recently moved to the area or wish to move your child to Edgbarrow School, then you will need to complete an in-year application form. In-year applications are made through Bracknell Forest Council; please visit their website to make an application. School Admission arrangements 2024-2025 will be used for all in-year applications.

Before you apply, please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements below. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.

Edgbarrow School Admission Arrangements 2024-2025

Edgbarrow School Social or Medical Form 2024-2025

Appeals for a place at Edgbarrow School

If we have not been able to offer your child a place, this is because there were more applications for the school than available places and not all requests for places could be met. Places are allocated in line with the published admissions criteria and your application was not ranked high enough to obtain a place.

Your home local authority should provide you with further information regarding the reason for refusals, waiting lists and how to exercise your right to appeal. Please refer to the documents below for further information, including our Reason for Refusal document:

Corvus Trust, Reason for Refusal - Rounds 2025

Bracknell Forest Appeals Timetable

Edgbarrow Designated Catchment Area Map 

Contact details

If you have any queries about admissions for Edgbarrow School, please do not hesitate to contact us at secretary@edgbarrowschool.co.uk or Bracknell Forest Council school.admissions@bracknell-forest.gov.uk.