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Edgbarrow School

Exam Revision Information

Revision and Study Skills Evening Presentation

This area offers subject-specific guidance to support you in the preparation of exams. There is a lot of useful advice on how to prepare and plan for exams, such as using revision timetables and various learning techniques.

Helpful Hints and Advice for Revising

Assessments and exams, particularly public exams, are stressful for both students and their parents/carers. There is no single approach to preparing for exams, and there are many techniques and practices which can be employed. Please find below some advice and links which we hope you and your child will find useful.

  • Revise at a desk
  • Do lots of past papers
  • Ask someone to test you
  • Put your phone away for the revision period session e.g. 30 mins
  • Stick revision notes around the house
  • Make summary notes
  • Go to extra school revision sessions
  • READ THE EXAM SCHEDULE PROPERLY - make sure you know the time and place for the right exam.

Edgbarrow Exam Information - exam timetable, exam board guidance and support

Edgbarrow Online Resources Page - links to MyMaths, Kerboodle and many more

Planning your revision - start it in plenty of time - mix up the revision subjects.

Revision Timetable - example 1Revision Timetable - Blank

Traffic lighting specification example

Revision GuideExam Practice by subject - BBC BitesizeExams & Revision - BBC Bitesize

Get Revising 

GCSE Past Papers

Memory Techniques

Memory Tips - Mind Palaces video

Joshua Foer TED Talk: Feats of memory anyone can do

GCSE Survival Guide - Tassomai

Make Mind Maps put them on your wall and add to them.

Mind Map Tips

TES article - 'I got straight 9s, here's how I did it' Memory Techniques
The Science of Revision -nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively. Super Study Skills
Condensing text - reduce everything you know on a topic to 500 words, then 200, then 50 & finally 10 - write these 10 on a card. Keeping it Long Term
Winchmore Tutors - Exam Intervention Make podcasts and listen to them repeatedly.

Flashcards - free flashcard maker designed to help you learn.

Flashcard Tips

Journey method - pick a journey you know really well, e.g. walking to school; choose a list or sequence you need to remember; relate each item or stage to part of the journey; when you need to remember it in the exam, go through the journey in your head.
Shawn Achor TED Talk: The happy secret to better work

Exam Stress 

The following websites offer some advice and support during exams: 



Coping with Exam Stress - AQA

NHS - Advice for Exams, Stress, Anxiety, Depression



Students are encouraged to use the Personal Learning Checklists to aid revision, monitor their progress and identify specific areas for development. The Business Studies Department has organised revision sessions for students and the timetable will be available soon.





***Students have been given school login details***

Practice Paper & Taster Booklet:


Students have been issued with a bright green revision guide covering both exam papers. They will shortly have access to a bank of practice papers for the new spec. If students complete all of these, they could also complete past papers from the older spec on the OCR website as the content is still relevant.

For revision, the key points for students to remember are:

  • Learn and use the correct technical terms accurately
  • Use real examples to support their answers where appropriate
  • Attempt every question (both while practising exam questions and in the GCSE exams) – leave no blanks
  • Use P.E.E. structure for longer questions

Students may attend a session in H6 after school each Wednesday if they have any queries or need some extra support. One extra session will be run weekly in the lead-up to exams.

Google Classroom
The ICT department uses Google Classroom and Google Drive. Students can access their notes and any relevant PowerPoints etc. through these applications from anywhere. 


Product Design: Polymers & Textiles (Edexcel), Engineering (WJEC) and Hospitality & Catering (Eduqas)





  Hospitality & Catering


Students can find detailed resources and videos on their Google Classroom.

Students should ensure they have a detailed understanding of Blood Brothers (select link) – this is the version used in lessons.




The best revision your child can do is to re-read the literature texts. They will have studied the following: a play, An Inspector Calls – J.B. Priestley; a Dickens Novell,a A Christmas Carol; the Conflict and Power poetry from their AQA Poetry Anthology, as well as a Shakespeare text – Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth.


 Macbeth - BBC GCSE Bitesize

 Macbeth - Sparknotes

 Romeo and Juliet - BBC GCSE Bitesize

 Romeo & Juliet - Sparknotes

 An Inspector Calls - BBC GCSE Bitesize

 An Inspector Calls - Sparknotes

Your English teacher will have given specific tips in class, which will all be in his/her exercise book(s).

Revision resources are also available on Google Classroom.


Snap Revision Reading, Papers 1 & 2  Published by Collins

Snap Revision Writing, Papers 1 & 2.  Published by Collins
Languagenut (students have the username and password)

Collins revision guides can be bought from the English department. Revision resources are also available on Google Classroom.


Google Classroom

GCSE students can find all the help they need on the Geography GCSE Revision classroom. The code is rxpryrm

This includes PLCs, Revision booklets, past papers, videos of help, self-help and much more.


BBC GCSE Bitesize

Seneca Learning


Health and Social Care External Assessments are completed in Year 11.

Sample Assessments are available on:


As an overview, course content includes reviewing past papers and the mark scheme. We will go over the style of answering questions. Revision guides will be available from the department. 




Google Classroom

Google Classroom has substantial material from Authentik - GCSE practice listening tests and questions.




Sparx Maths

   - If there are any problems, students should contact their Maths teacher or email help@edgbarrowschool.co.uk.

   - Sign in with Google (single sign-on) (school email and school password)

Other websites that students may find useful are:

Mr Barton Maths



Maths Chase (times tables game)

CorbettMaths.com (videos, questions and solutions by topic)


The exam is Unit 1: Listening to and Appraising Music - 1 hour; 80 marks; 20% of GCSE

Students will respond to questions based on short musical excerpts, drawing on music from all five Areas of Study: Rhythm & Metre; Harmony & Tonality; Texture & Melody; Timbre & Dynamics; Structure & Form.

Key Revision points:
• Remember all keywords
• Read the question carefully
• Look at how many marks each question is worth and make sure you make the required number of points e.g. if it is 2 marks, make sure you make 2 points.



General Listening:


Instruments of the orchestra:


Books: CDG books (handed out in class).


The AQA PE exam is assessed over 2 papers. Both papers are 1 hour and 15 minutes long and split into 3 assessment objectives:

  • AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport (multiple choice and recall questions)
  • AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport (short answer questions)
  • AO3: Analyse and evaluate the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport (Extended answer questions- 6 & 9 marker)

Practice exam papers and mark schemes are on the AQA website and Google Classroom. When practising exam papers, students should allow one minute per mark—use the time, don’t rush, as that is when silly mistakes are made.

To revise, students should read through the list of topics and cover ALL topics using their exercise books. They should also follow the revision schedule, use the topic booklets, and use acronyms to trigger key information (SPORTFITT). Finally, students should attend all revision sessions!

CDG Revision Guides - available to buy (£6.50) from the PE office.


Specification: OCR GCSE Psychology 1-9 specification

Some useful revision websites:

Paper One: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFPpP0C7JW0A3ItLndnLDNQ/playlists?disable_polymer=1




Useful revision books:


In addition, there will be a revision section on the GCSE Psychology Google Classroom.


Use the GCSE textbook you use in lessons to help form your revision and make notes. Below are your revision guides. Please use these to enhance your revision.

Banding Criteria for Exam Questions

GCSE Questions Breakdown


Practice Papers

Revision Tasks

Topics Overview

Revision Cards






www.my-gcsescience.com - users have to subscribe; only core videos are free - a fee is charged for additional subscription packages      

MyGCSE - individual subscriptions

Seneca Learning

Primrose Kitten

Sparx Science


Help on Required Practicals

The Science department has available for purchase the revision guides for your child’s course in either Triple Science or Core/Additional Science. The guides include revision material, exam questions and answers.


Kerboodle gives access to useful lessons, revision materials and worksheets (and ISA homework).

Login details are as follows:
Use Google Single Sign-on (school email and password) 

AQA Past Papers

The link below gives you access to past papers and the AQA exam board.

Spec codes for the GCSEs:
Combined Science - 8464
Biology - 8461
Chemistry - 8462
Physics - 8463