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Edgbarrow School

Young Carers

When a young person looks after someone in their family who has a disability, suffers mental or physical ill-health or other health-related issues, they may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school. We have been working to raise awareness amongst the wider staff team of the particular needs that young carers may have. In this way, we aim to provide a supportive environment for those students who may have more responsibility at home than their peers.

How many young carers are there?

The 2021 Census said there were approximately 120,000 young carers, aged between 5 and 17 years, in England.

There are young carers in every school and college, and Edgbarrow School is no exception to this. We recognise the importance of identifying and supporting these young people as they strive to balance the demands of caring with school life.

We believe that all children and young people should have equal access to education, regardless of what is happening at home.


We encourage young carers and those who think they may be a young carer to come forward and speak to staff in confidence. They are also welcome to email their questions, concerns and worries via the email: safeguardingteam@edgbarrowschool.co.uk

Mrs Rea-Palmer is responsible for safeguarding and young carers, and is a member of the Senior Leadership Team, louise.rea-palmer@edgbarrowschool.co.uk

Mrs Purbrick is our Safeguarding Assistant and the Young Carer Co-Ordinator and she works with young carers and outside agencies, anne.purbrick@edgbarrowschool.co.uk

Support and advice is also available from the Carers Trust from Bracknell Forest Council.

Could you be a Young Carer poster