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Edgbarrow School

Student Wellbeing

Please find below information, advice and further support on looking after your wellbeing. You can also find out more about what resources are available in school.

Looking after your mental health

Looking after your mental health is really important. There may be times when our mental health is better than others. Here are some tips on how to look after yourself:

Image of mental health tips

Below are some useful support tools for mental health, including the latest newsletter from the school nursing team at Berkshire Healthcare.

Berkshire School Nurse Student Newsletter - December 2024

How to Talk About Mental Health - Student Guide

Wellness Journal

Peer Education Project

Image of Peer Education Project logoThis year, we have introduced an exciting project where sixth formers teach Year 7 about mental health during tutor time. It started on Wednesday 10th January 2024 and this is something we are hoping to run every year with the new incoming Year 7s. It is being run in collaboration with the Mental Health Foundation.

Some of our lovely Sixth Form students worked incredibly hard preparing to become 'Peer Educators'. Miss King and Mrs Pearce guided and worked with the sixth formers in preparation for this project. The whole cohort of Year 7 students took part in a ten-week programme being taught a series of mental health lessons during tutor time. 

Peer Education Project - Information for Parents and Carers


Imabi Inspire app for studentsImage of imabi app on a phone

Imabi inspire remains a valuable resource for our students, offering comprehensive guides on topics such as mental health and exam stress. Additionally, it provides a direct communication channel for students to reach our safeguarding team and access links to support services like Childline.

Search 'imabi inspire' in app stores to download the app. Students can login with their school email and password.


ChatHealth posterChatHealth service is run by Berkshire Healthcare and is a free confidential texting service for students aged 11-19 to seek health advice and support from the school nursing team on all kinds of things like; sleep, stress, anxiety, low mood, healthy eating, smoking, vaping, self-harm, drugs and alcohol, body changes, and relationships.

Text: 07312 263266

Find help near you: chathealth.nhs.uk/start-a-chat

Further advice and support 

NHS - Every Mind Matters

Anxiety UK - Self-Care Tools

Childnet - Help & Advice for 11-18 Year Olds


Beat Eating Disorders

Shout - free text messaging support service

Samaritans - call 116 123 for support



Papyrus - prevention of young suicide

Kooth - support form professionals and other young people

SANE - mental health support, guidance and information