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Edgbarrow School

Travel & Tourism


"The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself” – Wallace Stevens

A BTEC in Travel and Tourism is designed to give students the opportunity to gain a realistic idea of what a career in the Travel and Tourism sector can offer. However, it is not just about gaining skills that can only be used in this sector. The course will give students the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment in several industries such as travel and tourism, hospitality, events and business.  The qualification will offer opportunities for progression to higher education and degree programmes within the same or related areas of studies as well as opportunities for full-time employment in the industry.

Key Staff

Mr Russell-Smith
Mrs Shepherd

Key Stage 5


Travel and Tourism students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the travel and tourism industry and be able to apply this knowledge and understanding to factors affecting the industry in real-life travel and tourism scenarios.  Students will be able to analyse information and data from the travel and tourism industry, identifying trends and the potential impact of different factors on the industry and its customers.

Travel and Tourism (BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate)

Students will study the following units over two years:

  • The World of Travel and Tourism (Exam)
  • Global Destinations (Exam)
  • Principles of Marketing in Travel and Tourism (coursework)
  • Visitor Attractions (coursework)

Lessons are varied and include opportunities for both group work and independent learning. The course allows students to develop:

  • Problem-solving skills e.g. using critical thinking, approaching non-routine problems and applying expert and creative solutions.
  • Interpersonal skills e.g. communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation.
  • Interpersonal skills e.g. self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development.

Course Details:

Unit 1: The World of Travel and Tourism (Exam)

This unit provides the foundation for learners to study other units in travel and tourism. They will explore the key components and scale of the industry, using data to analyse key trends and their impact.

Unit 2: Global Destinations (Exam)
Learners investigate and analyse information regarding the features and appeal of global destinations, travel planning, and the factors and trends affecting the changing popularity of global destinations.

Unit 3: Principles of Marketing in Travel and Tourism (internal assessment)
Learners investigate the use of marketing in travel and tourism organisations and how to meet customer expectations to inform a promotional campaign of their design.

Unit 4: Visitor Attractions (internal assessment)
Learners develop analytical skills as they investigate the nature and role of both built and natural visitor attractions, their commercial success, appeal, response to diverse visitor needs and the importance of delivering a memorable visitor experience.

Summary Curriculum Plans

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It is our intent that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes. In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.

SEND Implementation and Impact

Pupil Premium Intent


Reading Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped to understand command words in questions.
  • To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent reading strategies to aid comprehension when reading.
  • To support students in understanding complex vocabulary that they encounter in their reading.
  • To encourage students to read geographical literature for pleasure outside of the lessons.

Writing aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped with strategies to construct their answers.
  • To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent strategies to enable them to plan their answers carefully.
  • To equip students with strategies to reflect on their written responses.
  • To explicitly teach subject specific key terms and their application within written tasks.
  • To support students in writing clearly and concisely making good use of subject specific vocabulary.

Spoken Language Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped to use a range of vocabulary as well as subject specific vocabulary in their spoken language
  • To support students to use spoken Standard English
  • To teach students how to listen and respond formally
  • To provide students with opportunities for structured talk

Literacy Strategies


 Students will get the opportunity to take part in a Trip to Legoland and also have the benefit of an external visit from Travel company CEO.

Independent Study

All lessons and notes plus other useful revision tools that can be accessed via your Google Classroom.

Exam Board: Pearson EDEXCEL

Starter & Independent tasks on Google Classroom.



For further information regarding our Travel & Tourism Curriculum please contact:
Mr Russell-Smith or Mrs Shepherd