Our school recognises our moral and statutory responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of our students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming culture environment where all young people and staff are respected and valued. We will be alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and will follow our procedures to ensure that young people receive effective support protection and justice.
The Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead:-
- Mrs Louise Rea-Palmer, Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:-
- Mrs Andrea Petri, Assistant Headteacher
- Mr Matt Whiddett, Pupil Premium Co-ordinator
- Mrs Alyson Martin, Student Support Manager
- Mrs Louise Butler, Safeguarding Officer
Supporting the Safeguarding Team are:
Anne Purbrick, Safeguarding Assistant
Natasha Linder, Attendance Officer
Michelle Hutchinson, Inclusion Manager
We have lots of people who are here to listen and for you to report to:
- Tutors
- Heads of Year
- Student Support
- Safeguarding Team
We also have non-contact ways to report:
- Reporting tool on the Intranet
- IMABI App (click on the IMABI video opposite to learn more)
ResourcesInformation for Students |
Anti-Bullying Week Presentation by Student Council |