Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour and, as such, is concerned with how, when and why we think, feel and behave as we do. Psychology uses the methods of the sciences to make sense of human behaviour. Most people are interested in other people and would like to understand them better, as well as reach a better understanding of themselves. Studying Psychology will enable students to investigate topics such as aggression, abnormality and dreams; psychology seeks answers to questions such as: What is the influence of childhood experience?
Key Staff
Mrs Jackson - Head of Department
Miss King - Social Science Teacher
Curriculum Intent
Our students have the opportunity to understand the enormous range of human behaviour and its impact (good and bad). We teach Psychology to help learners develop insight into their behaviour as well as that of others.
Key Stage 4
Psychology GCSE (OCR)
Psychology uses the methods of the sciences to make sense of human behaviour. Studying Psychology will enable learners to investigate topics such as aggression, abnormality and dreams; psychology seeks answers to questions such as: how do childhood experiences influence us? Are the brains of killers different?
Unit One: Studies and Applications in Psychology:
This unit examines psychological research from the 5 main approaches in psychology and aims to answer questions such as:
- How does our biology influence our gendered behaviour? Study of castrated twin boy raised as a girl
- How does our memory work? Study of the memory of TV adverts
Unit Two: Studies and Applications in Psychology 2:
As with unit one, different areas of psychology are applied to questions such as:
- Why do people commit a crime? Study of criminal genes
- How does perception operate? Study of depth perception
GCSE Psychology can lead to the study of any Social Science subjects in the Sixth Form - A-Level Psychology, A-Level Sociology, BTEC Health Care Studies and Diploma in Criminology. It is also an incredibly versatile subject and is beneficial for any career where you need to work with and influence people. Particularly good examples would be; advertising, marketing, human resources and management.
Summary Curriculum Plans
PSYCHOLOGY Year 10 Curriculum Plan
download_for_offlinePSYCHOLOGY Year 10 Curriculum Plan
- PSYCHOLOGY Year 11 Curriculum Plan download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSYCHOLOGY Year 11 Curriculum Plan
Key Stage 5
Psychology A-Level (Eduqas)
The first year of the course examines the core approaches in psychology including their assumptions, therapy, classic evidence and contemporary debate, alongside research methods. The second year of the course builds on this and examines three key areas of Schizophrenia, Criminal Psychology and Addiction.
What will the lessons be like? You will be involved in many different activities such as being asked to give your thoughts on the issues through discussions. In addition, to reading and note taking there will be opportunities to watch documentaries, work in groups and research different aspects of a topic that interest you.
The course will give you a greater understanding of human behaviour and a wide range of transferable skills including data collection, analysis and written and oral communication. Therefore, these skills and knowledge of psychology are relevant to any career involving contact with other people and particularly relevant to such careers in teaching, medicine, personnel management and social work, as well as, customer relations, the police, journalism, advertising, and the law. An A-level in Psychology can help you to get into work but is also recognised as sound preparation for University.
Summary Curriculum Plans
PSYCHOLOGY Year 12 Curriculum Plan
download_for_offlinePSYCHOLOGY Year 12 Curriculum Plan
- PSYCHOLOGY Year 13 Curriculum Plan download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSYCHOLOGY Year 13 Curriculum Plan
Homework Intent
The purpose of Psychology homework is to consolidate the learning within the classroom. Specific reading tasks are designed to widen learner's interest and develop their subject-specific vocabulary. Practical homework activities give students opportunities to research and engage in psychology in the wider world and strengthen the analytical skills they need to be successful in their assessments.
We intend that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes.
In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.
SEND Implementation and Impact
Reading Aims:
- To ensure students are equipped to understand command words in questions.
- To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent reading strategies to aid subject comprehension, exam technique and accessing the subject beyond the curriculum.
- To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent reading strategies when applying source material (Sociology / Criminology / Health and Social Care).
- To support students in understanding complex vocabulary that they encounter in their reading.
- To encourage students to read for pleasure outside of the lessons (reading lists and classroom displays).
- To encourage students to engage with topical subject-related subject material.
Writing Aims:
- To ensure students are equipped with strategies to construct their answers to meet the demands of the exam but also show flair and creativity.
- To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent strategies to enable them to plan their answers carefully.
- To equip students with strategies to reflect on their writing.
- To enable students to manage the demands of writing in timed conditions.
The Social Sciences department undertakes a wide range of co-curricular activities, these include;
- “Brain Day” and other Psychology conferences
- “Behind Bars” conferences on the experiences of people in prison
- Criminology conference with Prof. David Wilson
- Zoo trip and Phobias workshop
- Talks by guest speakers including Dr James Tapp from Broadmoor Hospital.
Brain Day
Royal Holloway Poster Competition
Phobias Workshop
Independent Study
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
For further information regarding our Social Sciences Curriculum please contact: Mrs Jackson (Head of Department) - PSYCHOLOGY Year 13 Curriculum Plan download_for_offline
- PSYCHOLOGY Year 11 Curriculum Plan download_for_offline