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Edgbarrow School

Edgbarrow earns the Gold School Games 2023/34 Mark. 

The School Games Mark is a standard of education in sports and health set out by the Youth Sport Trust. Schools can opt to showcase what they do to gain a bronze to platinum award. This year we recently received our grading in which we achieved the gold award! This is based on factors such as co-curricular clubs offered and attended, the health of the students in terms of time spent exercising, having fair gender and disability opportunities within PE, the number of competitions we enter, our student surveys and how we respond to these, as well as many other factors.

The PE department is very proud of this result as should the students be for all their hard work and dedication to sport in school. Now that Edgbarrow uses Class Charts it is easy to see just how many students are coming to clubs and getting things right in PE. Thank you to everyone who has come to a club or fixture this year, and everyone who filled out the student surveys to help let us make PE the best place it can be. Bring on Platinum next year!