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Edgbarrow School

Careers Convention - 13th March, 6:30-8:30pm

Parent/Carer Feedback Survey 

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Edgbarrow School annually holds a Careers Convention and this year it will take place on Thursday 13th March commencing at 6.30pm. The event is open for all our students in Years 8-13. We would recommend that students in Years 8 and 9 attend with a parent/carer as we believe this will enable them to gain the maximum benefit from this evening. 

We have approximately 55 exhibitors confirmed (please see full list below) covering a wide range of careers, as well as a selection of further and higher education representatives; some of these exhibitors are new, so we would like to encourage students to attend even if they have attended in the past. A detailed information booklet will be distributed after the half term break. 

This event is organised jointly by the school and the PTA and is a much-valued part of our on-going programme of careers, employability and enterprise education. We are always looking for ways to enhance our careers programme, so if any parent/carer has any contacts who might like to attend the Careers Convention or support our Careers Programme, please contact Mrs. K. Robinson, Careers Manager via the following email address: Karen.robinson@edgbarrowschool.co.uk.

Careers Convention - confirmed exhibitors 24.02.25

Careers Booklet - March 2025

Careers Convention 2025 - Tutor Time Presentation to Students