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Edgbarrow School

Art & Photography Exhibition Winners!

Edgbarrow held its annual Art and Photography Exhibition last week. This showcases the GCSE and A-Level artwork to parents and carers and is extremely inspiring for our younger students. The Worshipful Mayor of the Borough of Bracknell Forest Councillor Jenny Penfold was shown round by our Head of Art and voted for her favourite pieces.

We are delighted to announce our Winners:

GCSE Art: Erin Giles
GCSE Photography: Scarlett King
A-Level Art: Evie Proctor
A-Level Photography: Will Harvey

Erin Giles - GCSE ArtErin Giles - GCSE Art

Scarlett King - GCSE PhotographyScarlett King - GCSE Photography

Evie Proctor - A-Level ArtEvie Proctor - A-Level Art

Will Harvey - A-Level PhotographyWill Harvey - A-Level Photography

Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit the exhibition and vote for your favourite. Each winning student will receive a certificate and voucher to celebrate their achievements.