The Mathematics department at Edgbarrow is a strong and successful team of qualified Mathematics teachers. We have a history of nurturing consistently high results from our students both in terms of raw attainment and also progression from Key Stage 2.
Within the department, we deliver highly engaging lessons and use a range of strategies to ensure students retain the information required.
These include:
- Regularly reviewing previously taught material through starter activities and our spiral curriculum
- High-quality first teaching
- Teaching students how to use different revision strategies
- Making use of specific memory techniques to improve recall
- Sequencing the curriculum to ensure that new content builds on prior learning
- Setting regular homework tasks to ensure consolidation and understanding of topics
The department is well-resourced with nine classrooms (seven in the main block and two in the Sixth Form Centre) all of which interactive screens are installed and used effectually in all lessons. The department has compiled an extensive bank of stored resources for use on the interactive screens with all year groups. Within the department, we have several subscriptions/licences for online resources which are used effectively to enhance our lessons. There is also a central staff area that is used for storing equipment and teaching materials and encourages collaboration and consistency across the department. We have access to the school computer rooms and also the use of a full class set of laptops with full WiFi capability.
We regularly host School Direct/PGCE teacher training students from Reading University in a proven, mutually beneficial arrangement. They bring fresh ideas and new research into the classroom in return for our guidance and feedback on their teaching.
Key Staff
Mrs Holloway - Head of Department
Miss Knowles - 2nd in Department
Mr Meyer - 3rd in Department
Miss Sandhu - 3rd in Department
Mrs Fulton
Mrs Gascoigne
Mrs Gilbert (HLTA)
Mr Marshall
Mr Martinez
Mrs McCready
Mrs Meyer
Miss Sawyer
Mr Simpson
Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to develop the mathematical knowledge of students and increase their confidence to use their numerical skills across the curriculum and out in the real world. We aim to create resilient students who persevere and experience the excitement of solving problems.
Key Stage 3
Pupils are set by ability on arrival at Edgbarrow. Years 7 and 8 are taught in two parallel half-year groups. From Year 9 onwards the whole year group is taught at the same time and there is a vertical setting arrangement. Pupils will use the SparxMaths homework platform. This will also supplement their lessons as a resource for independent learning. Pupils have end-of-year assessments which are used to guide our setting for the following year.
Assessment Bands
Students will follow national guidelines throughout Key Stage 3 to support and prepare them for their Key Stage 4 courses. The school operates a banding system of 1-9 (9 being the highest band). Students will be given a target based on their Key Stage 2 scores and baseline assessments on arrival at Edgbarrow. The band they are awarded at the end of the Key Stage is intended to be indicative of the grade they may achieve at GCSE.
Summary Curriculum Plans
Maths Year 7 2024-25
download_for_offlineMaths Year 7 2024-25
- Maths Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths Year 8 2024-25
- Maths Year 9 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths Year 9 2024-25
Key Stage 4
GCSE Mathematics
The vertical setting arrangement continues throughout Key Stage 4. The current GCSE course leads to entry for Pearson Edexcel linear syllabus 1MA1. Pupils will use the SparxMaths homework platform. This will also supplement their lessons as a resource for independent learning.
Summary Curriculum Plans
Maths Year 10 2024-25
download_for_offlineMaths Year 10 2024-25
- Maths Year 11 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths Year 11 2024-25
Key Stage 5
A-Level MathematicsA-Level Mathematics will enable students to develop:
- Recall or recognition of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques, to select and apply to a variety of situations in the real world.
- Mathematical language and use notation confidently.
- Logical processes to devise and implement a solution strategy to previously unseen unstructured challenging problems.
- Interest and enthusiasm in the subject and be inspired to investigate the power of Mathematics beyond the scope of the A-level course.
A-Level Maths - Further Information
Summary Curriculum Plans
Maths A-Level Year 12 2024-25
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- Maths A-Level Year 13 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths A-Level Year 13 2024-25
A-Level Further MathematicsA-Level Further Mathematics will enable students to develop:
- Recall or recognition of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques, to select and apply to a variety of situations in the real world.
- Mathematical language and use notation confidently.
- Logical processes to devise and implement a solution strategy to previously unseen unstructured challenging problems.
- Interest and enthusiasm in the subject and be inspired to investigate the power of Mathematics beyond the scope of the A-Level course.
A-Level Further Maths Information
Year 12
Students will be doing AS exams in this subject with MEI in summer of Year 12.Year 13
Students will be sitting A-Level exams with MEI in summer of Year 13.Summary Curriculum Plans
AS Level Core MathsThis is a one-year course designed for students who enjoy maths but who don’t wish to study it for the full two years at A-Level. It has also been written to help learners with the maths and statistics elements of other subjects they are studying, such as Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Business Studies, Economics, PE and more.
AS Level Core Mathematics will enable students to develop:
- Recall or recognition of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques, to select and apply to a variety of situations in the real world.
- Mathematical language and use notation confidently.
- Logical processes to devise and implement a solution strategy to previously unseen unstructured challenging problems.
- Interest and enthusiasm in the subject and be inspired to investigate the power of Mathematics beyond the scope of the course.
Level 3 Core Maths - Further Information
AS Level Core Maths Specification
Summary Curriculum Plan
AS Level Core Maths Year 12 2024-25
download_for_offlineAS Level Core Maths Year 12 2024-25
Mathematics GCSE ResitPost-16 GCSE students resit their GCSE in November taking the Edexcel Maths GCSE 1Ma1. Students have Maths on their timetable from the start of September and this is adapted so that an intensive maths timetable is followed in the week leading up to the exams.
Following results in January, students who have not achieved a grade 4 follow a personalised plan, which may include options of sitting Functional Skills (Entry Level, Level 1 or Level 2), prior to sitting their GCSE again in May/June.
GCSE and Functional Skills opportunities continue to be available into Year 13.
Any students who need to improve their GCSE are encouraged to resit so both Higher and Foundation tiers are taught as required.
Summary Curriculum Plan
Maths GCSE Resit Year 12 2024-25
download_for_offlineMaths GCSE Resit Year 12 2024-25
Homework Intent
Homework is set in Maths to give students the opportunity for independent practice on key skills and current content to secure knowledge.
We intend that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes. In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.
SEND Implementation and Impact
Reading Aims:
• To ensure students are equipped to understand command words in questions
• To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent reading strategies to aid comprehension when reading
• To support students in understanding mathematical vocabulary that they encounter in their reading
• To discern the correct mathematical strategy from the question
• To provide students with a variety of high-quality examples of written mathematics.Writing Aims:
• To ensure students are equipped with strategies to construct their answers
• To ensure students are equipped with a range of keywords to enable them to answer the questions appropriately.
• To equip students with strategies to review their writing.Independent Study
Key Stage 3
Students will be given a username and password for MyMaths and in addition, will have access to the independent learning section of the SparxMaths platform. If they have any trouble accessing this, pupils should speak to their classroom teacher.
Students can also access Kerboodle and complete the review and assessment sections at the end of each chapter.
Other websites that students may find useful are:
Maths Chase (times tables)Key Stage 4
View current revision material
Key Stage 5
Maths Reading List & Bridging to A-Level Work
Competitions that we get involved in are:
- UKMT individual maths challenges at Junior, Intermediate and Senior level
(covers Years 7 to 13) - UKMT team challenges
- Maths Feast competition for Year 10 students run by the AMSP
We also promote various other events and encourage students to participate e.g. Cipher Challenge is run by the University of Southampton, and Mathsbombe is run by the University of Manchester.
For further information regarding our Mathematics Curriculum please contact:
Mrs Holloway (Head of Department) - UKMT individual maths challenges at Junior, Intermediate and Senior level
Maths GCSE Resit Year 12 2024-25
- Maths A-Level Year 13 2024-25 download_for_offline
- Maths Year 11 2024-25 download_for_offline
- Maths Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline