Bonjour! ¡Buenos Dias!
In language lessons we share our passion for languages with our students and inspire them to use them at home and in their lives outside of the classroom walls. Our students enjoy the feeling of success when they communicate effectively. We teach them about the culture and customs of the countries where that language is spoken to develop their understanding and appreciation of people that are different to them.
We believe in the power of learning a language. Where else will you be given opportunities to meet and build friendships with people that live thousands of miles away in a different part of the world? Learning languages open doors to a world of different cultures, traditions, food, music, history… the list is endless. The skills you learn here will stay with you for years to come.
Our Languages Department offers French and Spanish as Modern Languages and Latin as a co-curricular activity. Our team of specialist language teachers deliver high quality and diverse lessons using a range of up-to-date resources, authentic materials and the latest technology to bring the languages we love, to life.
The languages curriculum is organised so students can build on their learning at each stage. Students are taught how to memorise new vocabulary and how to apply their knowledge to new contexts and situations. We focus on developing speaking skills to allow our students to communicate with confidence.
Key Staff
Ms Bransfield - Head of Department
Miss Guillen
Mrs Herbert - HLTA
Mrs Herrington-Thomas
Mrs Hinz
Ms Newlove
Mrs Pearce (maternity leave)
Mrs Petri
Miss Ramos-Navarro
Miss Renn
Curriculum Intent
In Languages we teach our students to speak another language, we develop their confidence and communication skills, we teach them to appreciate other cultures and prepare them for the international world in which they will be living and working.
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3 we teach students to speak another language with a focus on communicating information about themselves and their world.
Our current Year 7 pupils learn either French or Spanish. Some of them will also take up French or Spanish as a second language in Year 8 and continue with the two until the end of Year 9 when they will be able to choose to continue one or both languages to GCSE and then onto A-Level. All three languages follow current courses that use interactive technology and workbooks. We encourage our pupils to bring workbooks and dictionaries to lessons to aid them in their language learning. We encourage all pupils to visit the countries where the languages they are studying are spoken and offer study visits or exchanges in Key Stage 3 to support their learning.
Assessment Bands
FOR YEAR 7 & 8 ONLY: We have recently changed the way in which we track progress in Key Stage 3. The new format is currently in operation with Year 7 and 8 only. In each individual subject, students are given one of three progress bands: foundation, intermediate and higher. These bands are based on Key Stage 2 scores, as well as evidence gathered by class teachers. Throughout Key Stage 3, students will be judged to be meeting, exceeding or below expectations for their given band. The headline criteria for each of these bands can be found below, as well as a short presentation explaining the new assessment and reporting format.
Summary Curriculum Plans
French Year 7 2024-25
download_for_offlineFrench Year 7 2024-25
- French Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Year 8 2024-25
- French Year 8 Dual Linguists 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Year 8 Dual Linguists 2024-25
- French Year 9 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Year 9 2024-25
- French Year 9 Dual Linguists 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Year 9 Dual Linguists 2024-25
Spanish Year 7 2024-25
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 7 2024-25
- Spanish Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 8 2024-25
- Spanish Year 8 Dual Linguists 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 8 Dual Linguists 2024-25
- Spanish Year 9 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 9 2024-25
- Spanish Year 9 Dual Linguists 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 9 Dual Linguists 2024-25
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4 we teach our students to speak another language with confidence and increased levels of accuracy and complexity.
We follow the Edexcel course in French and Spanish. Topics include music, media, health, leisure, fashion, education and work, the environment and social issues. The course links the grammar and vocabulary from Key Stage to new words and structures develop confident speaking and writing skills while deepening understanding of the language. We use a wide variety of materials and activities including authentic materials, film and video clips to bring the language out of the classroom into real life. There are also opportunities at Key Stage 4 to visit the countries and put their language skills into practice.
A language GCSE provides our students with a highly valued skill that employers are looking for. They are also well prepared to continue their language studies A-Level and beyond. A modern language GCSE is part of the measurement of the English Baccalaureate and is an entry requirement for some universities.
Summary Curriculum Plans
French Year 10 2024-25
download_for_offlineFrench Year 10 2024-25
- French Year 11 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Year 11 2024-25
- Spanish Year 10 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 10 2024-25
- Spanish Year 11 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish Year 11 2024-25
Key Stage 5
In Key Stage 5 students develop fluency in their spoken and written language and a wide knowledge of the culture and history of the countries where the language is spoken. We are very pleased to be able to offer Edexcel French and Spanish, to A-Level. A-Level languages are an exciting challenge for our students and open doors to the culture and ideas of the countries where the languages they are studying are spoken.
Our linguists build in confidence rapidly and in Year 12 and 13 develop the skills to speak spontaneously and fluently. The course not only fosters a love of language but also a love of culture, through watching films, listening to music, learning about literature and history, as well as an in-depth discussion of current affairs. The skills that the course builds on range from communication and presentation skills to independent learning, essay writing, debate. Our students are given the tools to actively use their language in their future travels and careers… the hard work at GCSE pays off and they feel the excitement of being able to speak fluently in a foreign language. Trips are also offered to our A-Level students to France and Spain, an opportunity to put their language to use!
Summary Curriculum Plans
French A-Level Year 12 2024-25
download_for_offlineFrench A-Level Year 12 2024-25
- French A-Level Year 13 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench A-Level Year 13 2024-25
- Spanish A-Level Year 12 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish A-Level Year 12 2024-25
- Spanish A-Level Year 13 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSpanish A-Level Year 13 2024-25
Homework Intent
In Languages homework is set to consolidate the learning of new language and to develop fluency by engaging with a range of written and spoken materials.
It is our intent that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes. In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.
SEND Implementation and Impact
Reading Aims:
- Students are equipped with a range of coping strategies to understand new language. These could be:
- Prior knowledge
- Context
- Cognates
- Word families
- Word classes - To support students in understanding complex vocabulary that they encounter in their reading.
- To encourage students to read for pleasure in the target language.
- To ensure students are equipped with independent learning strategies to aid comprehension when reading texts of varying lengths and styles.
Writing Aims:
- Students are equipped with a range of independent strategies to construct their own answers. These could be:
- Prior knowledge
- Context
- Synonyms and antonyms
- Planning strategies - To equip students with strategies to reflect on and redraft their writing.
- To teach spelling, punctuation and grammar to enable students to write fluently.
- To support students in writing creatively, through teaching them to apply a range of familiar language and structures in new and different contexts.
Spoken Language Aims:
- To ensure students are equipped with the skills to communicate clearly in the target language.
- To ensure students have a range of strategies for understanding spoken language in the target language and coping strategies to communicate in a monolingual environment.
- To support students to communicate using full sentences and to use repair and rephrase strategies to increase accuracy.
- To teach students to speak in the target language with accurate pronunciation.
- To provide students with opportunities for structured and supported speaking tasks to develop their spoken language skills.
We have the following trips in Languages:
- Year 8 Trip to Opal Coast
- Year 8 Trip to Madrid
- Year 9 Trip to Normandy
- Year 9 Exchange to Caceres
- Year 10 Trip to Valencia
- Year 10 Trip to Futuroscope
- Sixth Form weekend in Valencia / Sevilla
- Sixth Form weekend in Paris
Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy
Notre Dame, Paris
Oceanografic Aquarium, Valenc
Spanish Exchange
Travelling Theatre Company
Normandy Trip
Independent Study
Key Stage 4
View current revision materialKey Stage 5
French Transition to A-Level
For further information regarding our Modern Languages Curriculum please contact:
Ms Bransfield (Head of Department) - French A-Level Year 13 2024-25 download_for_offline
- French Year 11 2024-25 download_for_offline
- Spanish Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline
- French Year 8 2024-25 download_for_offline