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Edgbarrow School

Grade Reports

Understanding your Grade Report

Grade Reports are one of the ways we communicate as a school with you as parents and ensure that you are kept informed of your children’s academic progress and attainment.  Reports also include information on students’ Attitude to Learning (AtL), as well as highlighting positives and areas for development.

Reports are followed by student progress evenings (at least once each year for all year groups) in order to give more comprehensive feedback.

The data collected for reports is used in various ways within the school in order to ensure that students are on track to meet targets and to identify students in need of intervention.

Details of the information provided at each stage of your child’s school career are provided, and there is also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.  However, if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to get in touch via your child’s Head of Year or via the main school email at secretary@edgbarrowschool.co.uk. 

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about Grade Reports