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Edgbarrow School


Curriculum Pathways

All students entering the Sixth Form will be able to study a range of Level 3 courses. Access to all courses will be determined by examination results and whether these meet the entry criteria for the different courses offered.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to use period 6 (3.20-4.20pm) as part of the school day, although this is an infrequent necessity.

Post-16 Studies

The purpose of a Study Programme is to provide a personalised curriculum that meets the needs of the individual.

A Study Programme has several elements that are provided at Edgbarrow Sixth Form.

  • Level 3 Qualifications – a balanced programme of qualifications that support students to reach the next stage of their education or allow them to begin a career. At Edgbarrow we offer a range of academic and vocational qualifications. Generally, students are expected to study for the equivalent of 3 A-Levels. 
  • High-quality Work Experience – purposeful, substantive and supervised placements will be undertaken by all. Students are supported to secure a relevant five-day placement in the penultimate week of Year 12. Should other specific placement opportunities occur at different times then the school may offer flexibility on this front. Other shorter/remote work experience opportunities are offered to students on a weekly basis in the Work Experience Newsletter.
  • Maths and English – Students are required to continue to study Maths and English until they have achieved at least a grade 4 at GCSE level.
  • PSHE - We have a Personal Development curriculum to give our students a wider knowledge of the world and to prepare for life outside Edgbarrow. This programme includes; taught sessions with form tutors, one-to-one meetings, study skills, destinations support and guest speakers.

Entry Requirements

To study A-Levels you will have achieved 5 GCSEs at grade 5 which need to include GCSE Maths and English (literature or language). Vocational courses at the distinction level can be included within the 5 grades required. Students studying A-Level courses can still study a vocational course and indeed it is recommended for certain career pathways. If you have not gained English or Maths GCSE at grade 4 or above, you will be required to follow a programme in the Sixth Form to re-take these courses in November and June until a grade 4 is achieved.

  • To study A-Level courses, a student must secure five Grade 5s at GCSE (or vocational course Distinctions), including English and Maths.
  • Some A-Level courses require students to have studied specific subjects and/or achieved a specific grade. Please see the individual course requirements.
  • To study any Level 3 vocational courses (e.g. BTEC), a student must secure five Grade 4s at GCSE (or vocational course Merits). Please see individual course requirements as some courses require specific subjects to be passed.

All students considering Post-16 courses are given specific information, advice and guidance throughout Year 11, both before and after the options process in the autumn term. Every effort is made to ensure that students access the right courses at the right level and that the combination of courses provides sufficient breadth and challenge to aid progression into further education, higher education or the world of work. Students aiming to gain a university place at an Oxbridge or other elite institution should make sure that they choose the ‘facilitating subjects’ necessary.

If students are not considering Post-16 provision at Edgbarrow. The school will also offer information, alternative advice and guidance to support these students into further education, employment or an apprenticeship.

Please see our individual course requirements in our Sixth Form Prospectus.

How to Apply

The application process is straightforward and is accessible via link on our website.

For September 2025 intake, applications are open from 10th October - 3rd November 2024.

We look forward to meeting and spending two enjoyable years with you at this important and exciting time of your life.